Abstract : A method of machine vision calibration is described. Based on the small hole imaging camera model, a number of photos were taken using a flat panel for verification. Using geometric coordinate transformation, combined with homogeneous graphics, the camera's internal and external parameters are calculated considering the lens distortion of the camera. Such methods can be widely used for calibration of cameras used in machine vision.


1 Introduction

Machine vision mainly refers to the use of a camera to automatically obtain images through CCD or CMOS, and then analyze the images, such analysis can be automatic or manual judgment. With the increasing degree of industrial automation today, more and more machine vision is used in industrial production. It can be said that machine vision has developed rapidly in the past two decades.

In the use of machine vision, measurements of size or shape are applied in large quantities, just like common measurement tools, which require pixel calibration before use.

2. Introduction to pixel calibration of machine vision

The pixel calibration of machine vision refers to the comparison between the picture taken by the camera and the real object to obtain the mathematical relationship between the two, and the picture can be corrected by this relationship, thereby eliminating the occurrence of various errors when the picture is taken. Deformation. Pixel verification is an essential part of the vision system used to measure machine vision, especially for high precision measurements.

A picture taken by a camera stores all the information in units of pixels. Pixel verification uses a mathematical method to restore a pixel-based image to our usual measurement units, such as millimeters, feet, and so on.

As with normal photography, when we know the hardware parameters such as focal length, CCD or CMOS size, we can calculate the proportional relationship. For example, one pixel corresponds to 1 mm, and that 100 pixels corresponds to 100 mm. However, when the camera takes an image, the ratio of the shooting angle is not completely linear due to the slight deformation of the CCD or CMOS, and the distortion of the lens. This time you need to use pixel check, which through complex calculations, the system produces the entire image in a true world mapping relationship. The following common deformation pictures need to be restored by pixel verification:

Deformation picture due to shooting distance

Deformed picture due to shooting angle

Deformed picture due to CCD or CMOS and lens

Deformed picture due to the height of the object in three dimensions/front/back/up and down

3. Steps and calculation methods for pixel calibration of machine vision

1) Make a rectangular calibration plate with dots, where the color of the plate is white and the color of the dots is black.

Pixel calibration for machine vision

2) Using the camera to take a calibration version, you can get the deformed image

Pixel calibration for machine vision

3) Use mathematical methods to get the mapping between the two images

Pixel calibration for machine vision

By comparing the picture with the real object, the horizontal difference dx and the vertical difference dy of the center point of the dot.

The mathematical formula is expressed as follows:
1) The mathematical mapping method based on physical characteristics is as follows:

How to perform pixel calibration of machine vision?

How to perform pixel calibration of machine vision?

How to perform pixel calibration of machine vision?

How to perform pixel calibration of machine vision?

Common distortions are classified into radiation distortion and tangential distortion.

How to perform pixel calibration of machine vision?

Radiation distortion is caused by the deviation of the lens and can be expressed as follows:
Where: P1A is a projection of the point P1 on the image plane without distortion;
P1D: projection of the point P1 on the image plane in the case of distortion;
P2A: the projection of the point P2 on the image plane in the case of no distortion;
P2D: Projection of point P2 on the image plane in the case of distortion.

For radiation distortion, the following formula can be used to correct [2]:

Tangent distortion is caused by CCD or CMOS mounting variations and can be represented as follows:

How to perform pixel calibration of machine vision?

For tangential distortion, it can be corrected using the following formula:

4. Use the software for camera pixel verification

Based on the above theoretical knowledge, experiments can be carried out with visual software. Here we chose to use the open source software OpenCV for verification.
Camera verification based on OpenCV:
OpenCV uses a checkerboard as a checkerboard:
If you want to get the camera's internal parameters, external parameters and distortion, you can use the verification function provided by OpenCV:
Void cvCalibrateCamera2(
CvMat* object_pointsCvMat* image_pointsint* point_countsCvSizeimage_sizeCvMat* intrinsic_matrixCvMat* distorTIon_coeffsCvMat* rotaTIon_vectors CvMat* translaTIon_vectors = NULL, int flags = 0

Use this function to take at least 2 images for different angles of the checkerboard. If you want to get accurate results, it is recommended to take multiple pictures from different angles for calibration.

Before calibration:

How to perform pixel calibration of machine vision?

During calibration:

How to perform pixel calibration of machine vision?

After calibration:

How to perform pixel calibration of machine vision?

For improved accuracy, you can also use a dot checksum board, but this requires modifying some of the OpenCV code.

Use the checkpoint verification board:
Before verification:

How to perform pixel calibration of machine vision?


How to perform pixel calibration of machine vision?

After verification:

How to perform pixel calibration of machine vision?

5 Conclusion

By considering the common distortion, the influence of the camera internal parameters and the camera's external parameters, the coordinate system model is established, which can give the machine vision pixel calibration more accurately. For different check panels and multi-dimensional check panels, further experiments are needed to confirm their accuracy.

[1] Sonka, M., Havac, V. and Boyle, R. (2011) Image Processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision. 4th EdiTIon, Cengage Learning, New York.

[2] Bradski, G. and Kaehler, A. (2008) Learning OpenCV: Computer Vision with the OpenCV Library. O'Reilly, Sebastopol.

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