Beauty man invents LED image coat - TV is worn on the body

A man named David Forbes in the United States spent six months and $20,000 to create an LED (light-emitting semiconductor) image coat that could play video, text and images like a color TV. David said that it was originally designed with the idea of ​​wearing a TV. The jacket has a 1

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Life tips: six alternative uses of cola

In addition to drinking, is there no other use for cola? Of course not. In fact, there are many uses for cola, but you haven't found it yet. Now I will introduce you to other uses of cola! Can be used to clean the burnt pot. Pour the cola into the boil and remove the burnt material from the bott

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Health needs to know: Ten reasons to make women grow old

Guide: The years passed quietly, and unwittingly, wrinkles crept up your face, how distressing it is. Even if it is ruthless, but please think carefully, do you have any bad habits, so that these wrinkles have a chance? In fact, the best way to fight aging is to prevent aging. HealthGenerator Spare

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Global PC sales decline into Lenovo's biggest winner

On April 15th, according to foreign media reports, the global PC market fell 3.2% in the first quarter of 2011 from the same period of last year, mainly because the investor computer hardware market remained cautious. IDC expects 1.5% growth in the first quarter of this year, but the resu

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